These are some of my favorite things about adding the latest member to our family.
-The darkest most soulful eyes I"ve ever looked into.
-"Show me your funny face!" with a little snort that goes with with it.
- Two little girls giggling in a tent about who knows what.
-Curious little fingers that can reach the tops of bathroom counters and tables and even knock down the cricket cage ( our gecko's food). Have you ever hunted 30 crickets in your house and tried NOT to kill them?
- Hearing "Da-Da" again
- A one year old who does the best sumo wrestler stomp you've ever seen. And she can get everyone in the room doing it!
- Watching the world in the wonder of a 1 year old's eyes. Even a drinking straw is cool to them.
-The most sincere six year old's prayer thanking Jesus for the baby He sent us and all the things she can do.
-Being hugged so tightly it involves both arms and legs. It feels like you could let go of the child and they would just stay clinging to your torso, I've never let go, but the girl knows how to squeeze. She is the best squeezer ever!
-Falling in love.
Princess T you have stolen my heart, you are such a wonderful addition to our family and I thank God for every part of you.
Valerie-this is a beautiful post! AND!!! those pics were amazing!!!
Hey miss V....she stole my heart too. There is just something about that little one. I can not wait to see her again!
Oh man. I have to meet her!! Soon!!
Hi Valerie- those eyes are just breathtaking! She is gorgeous & I love that she's fitting in so well and you're falling in love... isn't that the best feeling?? I would LOVE to meet her sometime!
Valerie, I saw the is too much for words, only tears!! Thank you for the call Sun. Even with all you have on your plate you let me cry about my STUFF...that is why I love you soooo. See you soon, hugs to all.Penny
at times do you feel like your heart is going to just pound right out of you?!?! the adoration goes to the core of you, in a way i never even anticipated. it is a beyond beautiful thing! adoption allows you to experience emotions that you never knew's hard to explain, but i think you know exactly what i mean.
This is so beautiful on so many levels. :)
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