Saturday, March 20, 2010

before and after hair

I spend a lot of time researching and practicing and trying to figure out what the best way to keep T's hair healthy and cute. I have spend a lot of time lately researching natural products and I"m always looking for new styles. Here is Miss T with her hair all taken out before it is washed. Here is the latest style that I am so proud of. I think I finally have a technique for cornrows that really works.

And here is the after

Oh wait that is just a cute picture of T.

here is the after

Thursday, March 4, 2010

made my heart smile

Tonight we had parent-teacher conferences for Jonah and Lydia. It was one of those nights when God used other people to remind me what great kids I have. Sometimes, (and especially lately) I have been focusing way to much on what needs to done, who needs to be where, what needs to be cooked or cleaned .But tonight I was reminded of all the great qualities my kids have. Beside doing well with their reading and math, they are good kids, good models in their behavior for others and just all around good kids. What a blessing they are. Here are 3 stories from my three blessings that make my heart smile.

Taneah: "Mom, you're my bes fwend"

Mom: "Really!" "What do best friends do?

Taneah: " The Hokey Pokey!"

Lydia is very into writing these days. She writes all the time on any piece of scratch paper, or notepad she can get her hands on. Today, she handed me a little, pink square of paper on it said

Mom, it is OK if sometimes you are crabby. love Lydia

And my favorite is from tonight.

We were sitting at Jonah's conference tonight and his teacher had just finished going over his math and reading scores and writing samples. Everything right where he should be and then we started talking about Jonah as a kid. We talked about how sensitive and tender hearted he is and how he has a hard time with making a mistake, how he's a good friend to everyone really just an easy kid to be around. Then she started talking about how they have 1st grade reading buddies. She went on to share that there is a boy in the 1st grade that has special needs and they decided to partner Jonah with that little boy. His 2nd grade teacher said he is so good with him and he loves it. At that moment, it wouldn't have mattered what she said about his reading, writing and math. I was so proud I could burst. It made my heart smile!!!