Saturday, May 3, 2008


When I started this blog, I thought it would be fun to update people about our adoption, our lives and maybe share and inspriation or opinion now and then. I hope this will be a look at my heart and hopfully and encouragment for you.

I've been thinking about prayer a lot this week. It was the National Day of Prayer on Thursday. I've been thinking about all the different kinds of prayer, the scheduled prayer before bedtime and meals, the sentence prayer when God brings someone to mind while you're at a stoplight, the desparate prayers in the middle of the night when you have a sick baby.

I love to pray. Once when I was at Bible camp in the 8th grade I was meeting with one of the counselors and I was struggling with something, we went for a long walk and then stopped and she prayed with me, then she asked me to pray. I had never really prayed out loud, but that day I was real and true and talked to Jesus like my friend. When I was done the counselor looked at me and said, "You are a women of prayer." That was HUGE to me, and something I 've never forgotten and I it became part of my identity as a women in Christ. So I'm a prayer who loves to pray... so what do I pray about. . .

-I pray God gives me the strength, courage and wisdom to raise children who know and love Jesus.
-I pray I can be a Godly wife, you know like the Proverbs 31 women, ( She really is superwoman isn't she!)
-I pray for protection and strength for them as they live and grow.
-I thank him for the blessings in my life like my friends and family, my house and for providing.
-I praise God for good health both physically and emotinally
-I pray for my friends, that God will surround them today with his love.
-I pray for the people I come in contact with who don't know Jesus that they will know him and love and I will see the opportunities to share Him with them.
-I love to pray for you my friends and family and the details of your life.
-And one of my favorite prayers is when God just brings someone to mind and I pray for them and then I find out later that they really needed it.

So what do you pray for? Have you spent some nice quiet time with God and not only requested but really listened to hear what he had to say? I have trouble being quiet enough to do the listening sometimes. Thank you God for being the kind of God we can come to anytime, anywhere and have a realationship with You.


Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie!
Here are some of the tops on my prayer list:
1) my sweet baby boy-for health, happiness and that we will raise him to know Jesus
2) for my husband
3) for your new baby "on the way" so to speak, and of course for God to continue to prepare all our hearts for this adventure
4) for my discipline in spending time with God, which isn't nearly enough
5) for protection of family members and friends
6) for balance in my #1 job as a mom and my other various jobs.

those are just a few.....thanks, this was kinda fun to write about! love you sis!

Tengesdal 4 said...

Instead of typing out my list - here's an awesome link to a really challenging "message" on prayer: