Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer 2010 Reflection

Doesn't this picture just scream summer. I can almost feel the hot sun on my back and the sand between my toes. It's sweet T and her cousin Leighton.

I love to reflect and look back. Look back on good times and remember the feelings of joy and happiness. And remember the bad times and look what how God brought me through and learn what he needed to teach me. Since I’ve taken such a break from blogging I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to reflect on summer. Overall, the summer was a really fun one. It was filled with sunshine and playdates, vacations and extra time with family. And I think it was probably the fastest one yet. Here are some of the highlights in no particular order:

* Jonah played baseball and he loved it. For now he is totally obsessed with the Twins.
*We took a family vacation to the Black Hills. Taneah’s favorite part was “the faces” Jonah’s favorite part was the alligator show at Reptile gardens and Lydia’s favorite part was the cave. It was great time, we met some neat people and we had a fun time as a family.
*Aaron sold fireworks again and well that’s all I’ll say about that.
*We did lots of other regular summer things like camping ( we even got a new/used camper), swimming, fishing, picnics, and trips to the zoo.
*And as for me well I started a new job. After 10 years in the Moorhead Public Schools I am now the latest occupational therapist at Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services. I worked 2 days /week this summer and now I”m up to 4 days a week. I love it. It is exactly where God wants me to be right now, I am confident in that, and one of the reason’s I started to blog again.

Got a new baby cousin!
walking across the head waters of the Mississippi River

Summer of 2010, you were a good one, we played, we laughed we learned new things and as I always say my favorite part of summer is getting to know my kids better and watching them get to know each other better too.


Theresa said...

I'm glad you had a great summer! I think everyone went to the Black Hills this summer. What a great vacation spot.

Heather said...

Glad to see you back in the blogoshpere friend - I LOVE hearing about you and your precious family. I'm excited to see what God has in store for this new season! Your summer sounds like it was exactly what summer's are supposed to be and I'm so glad you got to sneak in a visit with me too!! I know, I'm so selfish. : )
I love you and am so blessed by you!