Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally her 1st day

Well, miss Lydia finally had her first day of school today. She was suppose to go last week Thursday but woke up with a fever and stayed home both Thursday and Friday. By today she was ready! I was ready for her too, or so I thought...

We walked into her classroom found her cubby spot and coat hook. Her teacher met us at the door and gave her some instructions. She followed them just like the big girls she is. I told her it was time for me to go and she quickly gave me one of the fast squeeze hugs that said "I love you mom but I'm fine and need to get on with my day." I walked out and I was fine, really, I was. I was proud of her, I wasn't sappy, and really I didn't even think about it because after all we had been waiting 5 days for this, her first day of school. So we left and about half way down the hall way, Taneah stops looks up at me and says, "Want Lay-ah!" "Want Lay-ah!" She wanted her Lydia. All of a sudden it hit me I wanted Lydia too. I wanted my baby girl who seemed like it would be forever until she slept all night. I wanted my 2 yr old Lydia who used to throw such a fit she would pull her hair out. I wanted my 3 yr old Lydia who LOVEd dressing up like a princess and playing trucks at the same time, I wanted my baby girl!!!

All of the cliches of parenting started running through my mind, "time sure flies" "parenting is just one big lesson in letting go" "they don't stay babies forever" and on and on. But in that moment at my lip quivered and my eyes grew hot, I knew I just had to keep walking, away from my sweet Lydie's classroom. Afterall, I was leaving a stong, confident, beautiful, independant 5 year old. She was ready for kindergarten. And so after I made it to the van, kept reassuring Taneah that Lydia was in school and cried my eyes out all the way home, I decided I would be OK. And oh how blessed I am to get to be her mom, how blessed I am to get to watch her grow and learn and become the the girl God designed her to be.

I love you Lydiebug and can't wait to hear how your first day of school went!


Shannonheick said...

Ok Valerie! I am sitting here holding Chase bawling my eyes out. This was such a great post. I can't wait to hear how her day went too!

Anonymous said...

You made me cry!! It made me think about all of the stages we have already passed too. Wow, time does fly! I hope you both had a great first day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for making ME cry this time!! Awesome post, I hope you had a good day dear!

Heather said...

Oh man doesn't it just go by way too fast! You are a wonderful Mom, Valerie - I love your heart! Thanks for sharing your thoughts - put words to many a mom's daily thoughts. Love you friend - can't wait to see you!!

Beret said...

Ok, I'm crying too! I hope she had a great day! We're 4 days in and A. still asks every morning if I'll miss him - and I do, too!

Anonymous said...

You can add my name to the cry list :) Time goes by way too fast! Kristi J.

Michelle H. said...

You made me cry too....this year Alayna goes to preschool...I'm sure tears will fall....thanks for sharing and I hope she had a great day at school!!!

Tengesdal 4 said...

Ok.... as with everyone- you made me cry through my smiles too! :) I remember the "never sleeping through the night" and the stories of the tantrums.... Hope kindergarten is everything she has dreamed it would be and more!! :)

Valerie said...

Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to make you all cry. It was moment, I just happen to get into words. She had a great 1st day and can't wait to go back tomorrow. And she said her favorite thing about the day was lunch!

Anonymous said...

OK glad I waited til the end of my work day to read this...I know you warned me. But you know what a sap I am. Here's to all the tears we have and will shed. I KNOW there will be lots more. But the even better thing is the giggles and laughs will be there too!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait til our time together. Penny

Joyful Living said...

Awww! I hope her day went awesome! Ben starts his first day in a week...he is pumped to go but I'm just crying at the clock to sllloow down :/